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Snacks for the Little Ones

Doesn’t it seem like our child’s days revolve around eating? It’s true! Children are hungry little ones and rightfully so because their bodies are growing so quickly and they have endless energy that needs fueling! Kids’ little tummies can only hold so much at mealtime. Three meals are important to maintain structure in a child’s diet, but snacks are important to help bridge their nutrition in-between meals.

Healthy, kid-approved snacks are a great way to ensure that children receive a balanced diet. Snacks not only provide calories, but can also provide important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients. Use these five tips to make perfect healthy snacks that any child (or adult) will be sure to eat.

Food group pairings

In order to help kids eat a variety of foods from all of the food groups, try to incorporate at least 2 food groups in a snack. Check out the following examples of kid-friendly snack ideas that pair different food groups:

  • Protein + grain = hard-boiled egg + crackers
  • Vegetable + protein = baby carrots + hummus
  • Fruit + protein = apple + peanut butter
  • Dairy + fruit = yogurt + berries

In order to help kids eat a variety of foods from all of the food groups, try to incorporate at least 2 food groups in a snack. Check out the following examples of kid-friendly snack ideas that pair different food groups:

The meaning of snack size

Children’s stomachs are small and since they empty quickly, children need small portions frequently throughout the day. It’s important to maintain meal size and snack size though, and avoid letting children snack or “graze” all day long. If children are allowed to nibble on snacks throughout the day, they miss out on feeling hungry and full. These important cues for children to learn. Of course many children would love to snack on chips, cookies, or other snacks with little vitamins and minerals. If children snack throughout the day, they never get hungry enough for a nutritious meal. It’s then more difficult to fit in healthy foods. Check out the following snack size tips:

  • Use small bowls and side plates and avoid eating directly from the bag or container. For example, portion out crackers in a small bowl or divide a portion of pretzels on a side plate.
  • Return the bag, box, or container back to the cupboard or pantry after serving snacks. For example, after serving crackers, close the box and return it back to the pantry to avoid second servings.
  • Use reusable storage containers or snack-size bags for portioning. For example, store trail mix in snack-size containers or bags.

Pre-portion snacks to grab and go

Now that we have snack size in mind, pre-portioning snacks and storing them in the pantry or refrigerator can save you time. This also helps to ensure that older children and teenagers grab appropriate portions instead of eating directly from the container. When days are busy, pre-portioned snacks help to save time and ensure healthy choices are made. For example, instead of heading for the cookies in the cupboard, having pre-washed grapes portioned in snack bags in the refrigerator makes it easier to eat a healthy snack on the go. Having ready-to-go foods such as clementines, pistachios, boxed raisins, or bananas make it easy for travel. Grab pre-portioned or ready-to-go snacks before a day of shopping, when running to activities after school or work, or have them on hand after sports or other children’s activities.

Get those little hands to help!

Many children love to help and snacks are a perfect opportunity to include them in the kitchen. Children are also more inclined to try a new food if they are involved in picking or preparing it. Children can portion popcorn into snack bags or count celery sticks into snack containers. If you have a picky eater, this is a prime opportunity to give them control. For example, if your child often declines vegetables, you can say, “what would you like with your hummus: sliced peppers or baby carrots?”  As the adult, you ensure a vegetable will be included, but it gives the child some control.

Out of sight out of mind

If there are snack foods that cause confrontation in your home, avoid having them in the house altogether. For example, if candy is in the home and children know it’s available, then it’s more difficult to encourage children to have a healthier snack. If only healthy snack options fill the kitchen, then the options for sugary snacks won’t be there. This change is helpful for not only children, but adults too!

Now that you’re snack smart, use these tips and ideas to make the healthiest kid-friendly snacks for your family. When you meet with your Nuleeu Registered Dietitian, you will review additional healthy snack ideas that are individualized for you and your family to help you meet your goals. We look forward to working with you!

-Elizabeth Fay, MS, RDN, CNSC


5 Tips for Better Family Meals

When it comes to healthy eating for you and your family, the approach is certainly a team effort. Nutritious family meals can support every member of the family. Family mealtime offers one meal that can incorporate everyone’s food preferences and avoid parents and caregivers from being short order cooks. Let’s say goodbye to having the “kid’s” meal and the “adult” meal (unless, of course, there is a food allergy involved or food safety comes into play… more on that later!). Here are 5 tips to help you shape the most nutritious family meals for every member in your household.

1. Include fruits and vegetables at every meal

Incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables into children’s meals as soon as they start eating solids helps to create a custom. Eating different fruits and vegetables becomes the routine for all family members and over time, a meal almost feels “empty” without fruits and vegetables filling half of your plate. Don’t worry if you have older children or only adults in your family. It’s never too late to incorporate more fruits and vegetables and start a new routine!

2. Be a role model

Family members, especially children, will be more inclined to eat the family meal when they see their parents, caregivers, family members, etc. also eating the same meal. We want to be good role models for our children and family members, so we have to lead the way. For example, on homemade pizza night, children will be more responsive to eating the salad on the table if they see the adults eating the same.

3. Make one meal and stick to it

In order for family meals to be successful and simple, one meal should be prepared. Family members will quickly learn that only one meal is being prepared and there are no alternates. To help make the one meal a success, meal planning can include other family members. For example, each family member can pick a day and choose the menu. This helps to ensure everyone’s preferences are being accounted. Of course food allergies and taste preferences should always be taken into account. If there’s a food allergy, the food item should be avoided from the meal. If a family member has a specific taste preference, that item could be left out or added later. For example, a family member may dislike mushrooms. If stir-fry is for dinner, then the meal can be prepared and portioned out for that person and then finished with mushrooms for the remaining family members. When it comes to food safety, all precautions should be taken. Infants less than 1 year of age should not be given honey or foods containing honey. Young children’s meals need special attention to ensure all foods with choking hazards are avoided and meals are provided in bite-size pieces. Raw and undercooked foods such as meat and eggs should be avoided, but especially for children and older adults.

4. Cook in bulk and freeze leftovers for busy nights

When it comes to busy schedules, sometimes we’re faced with cooking very late or with little time. When you meal prep, you set yourself up for success for such days. Recipes can be doubled or tripled to portion and freeze extras to have on hand for busy nights. Even cooking and freezing staples such as rice, barley, beans, or quinoa can be very helpful to grab and go when you’re short on time. For example, it could be very helpful to have beans pre-cooked and ready to use on burrito night or have quinoa pre-cooked to quickly prepare a salad without having to start from scratch.

5. Recruit help

We all need help when it comes to family meals and extra hands can help bring success to mealtime. Adults, teens, adolescents, and even young children can be excellent helpers in the kitchen and dining room. Young children can set the table and set out condiments and other items. In addition, adolescents can help set the table, wash fruits and vegetables, pull out ingredients, wash dishes, and load the dishwasher. Teenagers and young adults can add extra help by chopping vegetables, washing pots and pans, and cleaning up as the meal is prepared. Other adults can help with meal prep by dividing and conquering the recipe. For example, one adult can chop the vegetables and prep items, while the other family member is in charge of stove top items such as preparing the sauce, cooking pasta, etc. Help from family members can promote pride. Children learn responsibility and they may be more inclined to eat the family meal after having contributed help.

When you receive your custom Nuleeu meal plan, use these tips to help speed up your meal prep or apply these tips on busy days and nights when plans may change unexpectedly. During your nutrition consultation, your Nuleeu Registered Dietitian Nutritionist can also walk through additional family meal tips and provide individual recommendations for you and your family to ensure mealtime success!

-Elizabeth Fay, MS, RDN, CNSC


What’s a Serving Size?

As I grew up, I always thought that a serving was the amount of food I put on my plate. Although this is somewhat true, the nutrition in our food is based on the serving sizes we eat. If only the nutrition of 1 pizza slice equaled the nutrition of 3 slices I serve myself!

To help standardize nutrition information about our food, the USDA has standard serving sizes (also called portion sizes). This is particularly helpful when reviewing your custom meal plans created by your Nuleeu Registered Dietitian Nutritionist or when comparing the Nutrition Facts labels of different foods. Now that we’ve reviewed MyPlate in our previous blog post, we’re going to walk through each food group and review common serving sizes found in each category. Some of these servings may come as a surprise to you! You’ll also find examples of how many servings someone may eat when following MyPlate guidelines, based on an 1800-calorie diet.


Fruit servings are most often measured in cups. Picture a household measuring cup that you might use in the kitchen. Sometimes this is helpful to estimate fruit portions like grapes or raisins. For solids fruits, picture a tennis ball, which is equal to a medium piece of fruit or 1-cup serving. Below are some examples of 1-cup equivalent portion sizes of different fruits:

  • Applesauce= 1 cup
  • Dried fruits (prunes, raisins, etc.)= 1/2 cup
  • Grapes= 1 cup or 32 grapes
  • Orange= 1 large orange
  • Pineapple= 1 cup chunks, slices, etc.
  • Plum= 3 medium or 2 large plums
  • 100% Fruit Juice= 1 cup

For people following an 1800-calorie meal plan following MyPlate guidelines, it’s recommended that they consume 1 1/2 cups of fruit per day.


Fruits and vegetables are identical in their serving size approach. They both measure portions out using cups. Picture a baseball for easy reference when picturing a cup of vegetables. For leafy vegetables, the serving size is equal to 2 cups or 2 baseballs. When leafy greens are cooked, the serving size is 1 cup. Below are some examples of 1-cup equivalent portion sizes of different vegetables:

  • Beans= 1 cup whole or mashed
  • Broccoli= 1 cup chopped or 3 long spears
  • Celery= 1 cup or 2 large stalks
  • Kale= 2 cups raw or 1 cup cooked
  • Pepper= 1 cup chopped or 1 large pepper
  • Tomato= 1 cup chopped or 1 large tomato
  • Tomato juice= 1 cup
  • Spinach= 1 cup cooked and 2 cups raw
  • Squash= 1 cup cooked, sliced, or diced
  • Sweet potato= 1 large sweet potato

For people following an 1800-calorie meal plan following MyPlate guidelines, it’s recommended that they consume 2 1/2 cups of vegetables per day.


Grains get a little tricky with serving sizes, but we’re here to help! Grain serving sizes are measured in both ounces and cups. Since they are measured by weight and most of us don’t weigh our food, one trick is picturing the size of common items. One slice of sandwich bread the size of a CD cover is equal to a 1-ounce portion. When it comes to cold cereal, rice, barley, quinoa and other grains, think of a baseball as your measurement comparison. For a piece of baked bread such as cornbread, picture a bar of soap as a comparison size. Below are some examples of 1-ounce equivalent portion sizes of different grains:

  • Cornbread= 1 small slice (2 1/2” x 1 1/4” x 1. 1/4”)= 1 ounce
  • English muffin= 1/2 muffin= 1 ounce
  • Mini bagel= 1 mini bagel= 1 ounce
  • Oatmeal= 1/2 cup cooked= 1 packet oatmeal= 1 ounce
  • Popcorn= 3 cups popped= 1 ounce
  • Rice or pasta= 1/2 cup cooked= 1 ounce
  • Sandwich bread = 1 slice= 1 ounce
  • Tortillas= 1 small tortilla (6” diameter)= 1 ounce

For people following an 1800-calorie meal plan following MyPlate guidelines, it’s recommended that they consume 6 ounces of grains per day.


Protein foods are measured by weight as well. Since most of us aren’t weighing our food, protein foods can get tricky to calculate what’s a serving. Have no fear! We’re here to help you with tips and tricks. Here are some common examples of different protein foods and their ounce equivalents:

  • Almonds= 24 almonds= 2 ounces
  • Beans= 1/4 cooked beans= 1 ounce
  • Chicken= 1 small chicken breast the size of your palm= 3 to 4 ounces
  • Egg= 1 egg= 1 ounce
  • Egg White= 3 egg whites= 2 ounces
  • Peanut butter= 1 tablespoon= 1 ounce
  • Pistachios= 24 pistachios= 1 ounce protein equivalent
  • Tuna= 1 can of tuna drained= 3 to 4 ounces
  • Turkey slice= 1 deli slice= 1 ounce
  • Steak= 1 small steak= 3 1/2 to 4 ounces
  • Vegetarian bean burger= 1 patty= 2 ounces

For people following an 1800-calorie meal plan following MyPlate guidelines, it’s recommended that they consume 5 ounces of protein per day. This may be surprising for some of us because you may find restaurants serving an 8-ounce steak, which could be equal to the protein you need for one and a half days! Remember, protein itself can be found in all of the food groups, so we don’t have to rely on protein foods themselves to meet our protein needs.


Now we’re back to something a little more common. Dairy foods have a mix between foods measured in cups (think baseball again or a measuring cup) such as milk and yogurt, as well as measurements by weight such as cheese. Here are some examples of common dairy foods and their serving size equivalents.

  • Almond milk fortified= 1 cup
  • Cheese block= 9-volt battery= 1 cup dairy equivalent
  • Cheddar cheese= 2 slices= 1 cup dairy equivalent
  • Cottage cheese= 2 cups= 1 cup dairy equivalent
  • Evaporated milk= 1/2 cup= 1 cup dairy equivalent
  • Frozen yogurt= 1 cup
  • Milk= 1 cup
  • Shredded cheese= 1/3 cup= 1 cup dairy equivalent
  • Soymilk fortified= 1 cup
  • Yogurt= 1 regular container (8 ounces)= 1 cup

For people following an 1800-calorie meal plan following MyPlate guidelines, it’s recommended that they consume 3 cups of dairy foods per day.

Everyone has his or her own individual nutrition needs. Some of us need to consume more portions and some of us should consume fewer portions. As you receive your custom Nuleeu meal plan or Nuleeu meal delivery, look at the serving sizes and compare them to the knowledge you now have!

-Elizabeth Fay, MS, RDN, CNSC

1. “All about the Dairy Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 14 Dec. 2018,
2. “All About the Fruit Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 4 Jan. 2018,
3. “All about the Grains Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 3 Nov. 2017,
4. “All about the Protein Foods Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 10 Aug. 2018,
5. “All about the Vegetable Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 4 Jan. 2018,
6. “MyPlate Graphic Resources.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 3 Dec. 2018,
7. “MyPlate Plan: 1800 Calories, Age 14+.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 14 Aug. 2018,


Focusing on MyPlate

When it comes to eating a variety of foods and maintaining balance within your diet, MyPlate is an essential tool that can help you transform your meals and snacks. The USDA published MyPlate, which outlines the 5 major food groups, with each category offering its own nutrition recommendations.
We’ll break down each food group together and review the major nutrition messages that can help you be successful when choosing the most nutritious foods for you and your family.


First we’ll start with the fruit group, which is labeled in red. As you can see this food group makes up just less than 1/4 of your plate. The big message here is that the fruit group pairs right next to the vegetable group, filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables. We all know that fruits are healthy for us, but specifically this food group is a major powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Keep in mind these helpful tips when choosing fruits in your meals and snacks:

  •  Choose whole fruits most often

For example, if you have the option, choose a whole peach over canned peaches in syrup or pick a fresh apple instead of sweetened applesauce.

  • Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables

This key message is shared with the vegetable group. To maximize the vitamins and minerals in your meal or snack, ensure that half of your plate is filled with fruits and vegetables. For example, you may have an orange on the side of your leftover vegetable casserole or you may have a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a side of baby carrots for lunch. Whatever the meal may be, check in to see if you’ve included fruits and vegetables as half of the meal.


Next up is the vegetable group! This green group in the MyPlate image fills up slightly more than 1/4 of the plate. This is another rock star nutrition category loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Keep in mind these helpful tips when choosing vegetables in your meals and snacks:

  • Choose whole vegetables most often

Just like the fruit group, choose the least processed vegetables as possible. For example, choose fresh or frozen plain broccoli in place of frozen cheesy broccoli. Another idea would be to choose a baked potato on the side of your meal instead of potato chips.

  • Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables

Just like the fruit category, check in to see if half of your plate is filled with fruits and vegetables. Vegetables can be a separate item on your plate, intertwined in a casserole, layered in a sandwich, or be the basis of your snack. Add vegetables to stir fry, pasta, sandwiches and wraps, muffins, or as a side dish.


Grains seem to be a hot topic today, but this is an important food group we shouldn’t discount. Grain foods are loaded with carbohydrates that fuel the body with energy. Check out the following tips to help you choose the most nutritious grains:

  • Make half of your grains whole grains

What’s a whole grain? A whole grain is a grain that contains all 3 parts of the grain (the germ, endosperm, and bran). Whole grains are less refined and processed, so they typically offer more fiber and protein. Grains such as 100% whole wheat bread are considered to be a whole grain, while white wheat bread is an example of a non-whole grain food.  Just a few examples of other whole grains include quinoa, 100% whole wheat pasta, farro, barley, brown rice, kamut, bulgur, popcorn, and oatmeal.

  • Have grain foods make up about 1/4 of your plate

Looking at the MyPlate image really helps us to see the amount of grains we need in comparison to the other food groups. Keep this in mind when you’re meal prepping or following your Nuleeu meal plan.


Protein foods are important not only for the protein they deliver, but the additional nutrients loaded in the variety of foods in this category.  Protein foods not only include meat, poultry, and fish, but also nuts, soy, seeds, eggs, and beans. Keep in mind these helpful tips when choosing protein foods in your meals and snacks:

  • Choose lean proteins

Vary your lean proteins by choosing items such as beans, tofu, at least 92% lean beef, and skinless poultry.

  • Choose low sodium protein foods

When you’re meal planning for example, choose whole turkey breasts in place of deli turkey slices or choose unsalted nuts instead of salted varieties to limit the sodium content of your food.

  • Have protein foods make up just less than 1/4 of your plate

Protein foods only need to fill about 1/4 of your plate. This will come as a surprise to many of us since we usually have our protein at the center of our plate in the largest portion. Surprisingly, your current protein portions may be enough protein for you all day! Keep in mind that nutritional needs vary from person to person and a Nuleeu Registered Dietitian can meet with you to review your specific needs and make individual recommendations and meal plans just for you.


Dairy foods are incorporated in our meals and snacks to help us meet a variety of our vitamin and mineral needs. Dairy foods include cow’s milk, yogurt, and cheese, but also non-dairy fortified beverages and foods such as soy or almond milks and yogurts. All of these products can offer important minerals such a calcium and phosphorus for bone health, while other dairy foods provide protein and other vitamins and minerals. Check out the following tip to help you choose the most nutritious dairy foods:

  • Choose low fat dairy products

When we incorporate dairy foods, we want to choose fat free or low fat products most often to help limit the amount of saturated fat in the food. Plant-based alternative products are a great nutrient-rich alternative to dairy products, but be sure to check the saturated fat content of these products as well. For example, many coconut yogurts contain a high amount of saturated fat.

There you have it! That completes our tour through the 5 food groups of MyPlate and the many nutrition messages this guide offers. MyPlate is excellent because it can be used and applied to not only meals, but also snacks. Although the MyPlate image depicts separation between foods on the plate, this guide can be applied to complex mixed dishes, sandwiches, smoothies, and snacks. How have you incorporated MyPlate into your meals and snacks? We’d love to hear from you!

-Elizabeth Fay, MS, RDN, CNSC


  1. All about the Dairy Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 14 Dec. 2018,
  2. All About the Fruit Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 4 Jan. 2018,
  3. All about the Grains Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 3 Nov. 2017,
  4. All about the Protein Foods Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 10 Aug. 2018,
  5. All about the Vegetable Group.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 4 Jan. 2018,
  6. MyPlate Graphic Resources.” Choose MyPlate, USDA, 3 Dec. 2018,

Client Success

The following is a testimonial of a client that achieved great success through meal planning, calorie management, regular physical activity and regular nutrition consultation with a Registered Dietitian (RD). The RD determined after talking with the client that this method would work the best for the client’s lifestyle and would be the best to achieve the desired goals and results.

There are several diet interventions, methods and counseling techniques that the RD and fitness team have to utilize when working with a client. Each client is provided a unique an individual plan, which is a result of the one-on-one consultation with the team members.

All results vary from client to client; all programs are individualized to clients individual goals, needs and lifestyle.

I was a 62 year old female; 6’ 0” tall; weighed 212 pounds; lived in the Southeastern United States, was married with children and grandchildren; took medication for high cholesterol; and needed a right knee replacement. Other than the cholesterol and the knee replacement, I was in pretty good health. The only thing I struggled with, and had done so my entire life was being overweight. My whole life I have been on a weight roller coaster. Up, down, around the block. I have been thin, heavy, and heavier. Overall my life was very good.

The Beginning

Then a young woman helped me turn my weight loss efforts into success. A Registered Dietitian (RD);I had heard of this profession, but did not really understand the scope of what someone like her could do for me personally. She became a lifeline as I journeyed along this new road. She is extremely humble about it, but there is no doubt in my mind that I would not have achieved my weight loss goal had I not had her professional advice along the way. She is still advising me whenever I need it. And I find there are still many questions. This journey will never be over.
The Journey
My RD did an initial analysis based on various demographic, physical and lifestyle factors to calculate my initial goal calorie range, based on a goal of a 1 pound per week weight loss. I began Journal One. Each day I wrote down my total calorie intake. At first, it was a challenge to do this, but it became easier as the days passed. Another factor that contributed to making this journey easier for me: My husband was on the program with me. Doing this together made it much easier for both of us. The program was working really well for me. I had lost 15 pounds in two months!
At three months I had lost 23 pounds, and the program was continuing to work and was getting easier!



Through the holidays, knee surgery, recovery and more Georgette continued to follow the program and reach her goals!
Through consistency, balance, moderation and mindful eating habits she reached her weight loss goal over 14 months.
She lost an average of 0.8 pound a week and a total of 52 pounds!
She has now been in maintenance for over 6 months, and feels no concern about returning to her old habits or lifestyle choices.

Read Georgette’s full story here

Health Summary

Start weight: 212 pounds

Final weight: 160 pounds

Total weight loss: 52 pounds

Total time: 14 months (to hit 50 pound loss)

average of ~0.8 pounds a week loss

Start BMI: 27.3

Final (BMI) Body Mass Index: 22.8


Egg Protein Pops

By: Anne Kristine Etherton, MS, RDN, LDN, NASM-CPT

In an attempt to do meal prep for the week, I took a try and creating some easy morning eggs. The idea came because my daughter loved the popular chain Egg Bites, but since I don’t want to spend tons of money, I attempted to create an acceptable substitution. Also, I am limiting my shopping and trying to use what’s in the fridge and freezer. If this wasn’t the case I would have thrown in some onion and peppers, but instead used what I had in the house.  Side note- so looking forward to having fresh fruits and vegetables from the garden next year!

So I started with the egg base and then chose to use sour cream since that was the only cream option in the fridge to give the creamy texture of the pops. Also, used a hand blender to get the sour cream and eggs blended till smooth.

Spray the muffin tin to help with removal after cooking- if you’re like me, you’ll forget this step- which is okay because in a nonstick pan they still came out relatively easy!

I filled each to about 3/4 full because adding the other ingredients would add more volume. Then sprinkled cheese to each serving, using about 1/2 of the cup. Here is where you can also add in the other ingredients you chose to include. I had some deli ham, we use the low sodium preservative free kind, and then to about half of the pops I added a few of the frozen black beans and chick peas. I did not add any salt or other seasoning to this batch, the cheese and ham were providing salt and I was trying to keep to the basics, but next time I will be adding in some other seasoning to spice it up a bit- I’m thinking maybe a chipotle version.

I then put them in the oven for about 20 minutes- watching closely- when they were close to being done I sprinkled the last amount of cheese on top.

While the benefit of making food at home is having more knowledge and control of what’s included, the initial intent was to make something simple and tasty for a quick morning breakfast. It just so happened to be a good option to keep my morning within my daily nutrition goals.

For 12 servings of 2 pops

8 eggs

1/2 cup sour-cream

3/4 cup of shredded cheese

1oz of deli ham (or other protein)

About 1/4 cup of frozen black beans and chick peas ( or any other vegetable of choice)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray muffin pan and set aside. Blend together eggs and sour-cream until smooth, divide into sprayed muffin tins evenly( filling about 3/4th full). Using about 1/2 cup of the cheese, add small amount to each serving. Small cube ham or other pre-cooked protein and add small amount to each serving, add a few beans and peas to each serving. If you have selected alternative fresh vegetables, I recommend finely chopping and possibly sautéing prior to adding to the egg mixture for better taste since the egg bites only take about 20 minutes to cook.  Bake for about 15 minutes and then add the remaining cheese to the top of the egg pops. Once they are cooked through, you can use a toothpick to test them, remove and enjoy immediately or refrigerate and enjoy for up to 3 days.

Serve with your choice of bread, fruit and several other possible options to have a balanced and compete breakfast or snack!

This can easily be a gluten free option by checking that the added meats and vegetables are gluten free.



Testimonial Disclaimer

Please be advised of the following regarding any testimonial on our website:

The client testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. Every testimonial on this website is from a real customer who worked with the Nuleeu Nutrition and Wellness Team, and/or followed fitness and/or nutrition programs from the company. No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement. No alterations or retouching was done to before and after photos. Results (weight, body fat percentage, circumference measurements, etc) were self-reported by the client and therefore cannot be confirmed but were validated to the best of our ability. However, there could

errors in the reporting of weight and body composition numbers.

Results vary from client to client, and are influenced by individual program adherence and Individual goals, needs and lifestyle.

All programs are individualized.


Why See A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist?

So, you’re a little lost and overwhelmed by the amount of nutrition resources out and about this time of year. With New Year’s Resolutions soaring and hopefully not soon to dwindle, you may be in search for the best you. Maybe that’s the happiest you, the most fit you, the healthiest you, or the most balanced you. Perhaps you’re about to focus on your cholesterol, weight, meal planning, diabetes, kidney health, cooking skills, energy, inflammation, digestive health, emotional relationship with food, allergies, or any other nutrition goals. Where should you begin?

There are many people today offering nutrition advice and recommendations. It’s so easy to get confused and overwhelmed! Some of these people call themselves health coaches, nutritionists, or nutrition experts, but the only qualified professionals who focus on nutrition with an extensive undergraduate education, competitively complete a 1200-hour residency internship, and successfully pass the national exam are Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs). Many RDNs further their education through additional graduate studies or residency internships and earn specialized certifications above and beyond the requirements of an RDN. The tricky thing to remember is that all Registered Dietitians are nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are Registered Dietitians. Check out this article from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic on the qualifications of an RDN.

It is proven that working with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist improves the success of patients and clients to achieve results. RDNs make evidence-based, personalized nutrition recommendations to meet individual health goals. These trained professionals implement nutrition changes that are safe and effective. RDNs also take into account individual needs and preferences, while applying years of research to practice. You will find RDNs work in a variety of settings including private practices, hospitals, clinics, fitness centers, restaurants, nursing homes, wellness companies, universities and colleges, grocery stores, research centers, food companies, and many more establishments. They also work with a range of populations including neonates and infants, adolescents, adults, and older adults.

How do you know that you are receiving the most updated information? Registered Dietitian Nutritionists are trained with extensive years of foundational nutrition experience. Fortunately, RDNs are also required to maintain licensure and master their knowledge about the latest nutrition research to be on top of their career.

So, you’ve decided to work with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. Where do you find an RDN? Nuleeu is your one stop shop to find a skillful RDN who will help you meet your nutrition needs. Nuleeu Registered Dietitian Nutritionists have years of professional experience in the clinical healthcare, community, fitness, and private practice settings. Nuleeu is not only made up of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, but it couples its programs together with other professionals such as yoga instructors and Certified Personal Trainers. Talk about an all-inclusive program to help you meet your needs! Check out the Nuleeu programs to discover which program is best for you with a free initial consultation.

-Elizabeth Fay, MS, RD, CNSC


1. Kohn, Jill. “Qualifications of a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.” Eat Right. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics., 30 Nov. 2017,

2. “Work Settings and Areas of Expertise for RDNs.” EatrightPRO – Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,