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Weekly Nourishments

Meal Planning 101

Nutrition Tip: Meal Planning 101

Nuleeu Membership offers meal plan access to help you meet your goals. Your meal plan offers pre-generated grocery lists and the NuleeuPlus mobile app helps to log nutrient intake to keep you on track.

As you include meals outside of your meal plan and start to meal plan on your own, use these simple steps to get you started.

Nourishment Ideas:

  • Start with shopping your pantry and refrigerator. Look in your pantry for items that can be incorporated in weekly meals. Check the refrigerator for foods that need to be eaten before they spoil.
  • When keeping a budget in mind, review local sales and specials at the grocery store. Take note of which sale items you’d like to include in your meals.
  • Use Nuleeu recipes and explore other recipes online, in magazines, on social media, or shared from friends and family. Look for recipes that incorporate food items that need to be eaten from your pantry/refrigerator list.
  • When choosing recipes, select meals that share ingredients to prevent waste, save money, and help speed up meal prep. Pick recipes that include seasonal ingredients to also save money.
  • If a recipe calls for a specific item, such as fresh produce, but it is unavailable in the store, choose frozen or canned alternatives instead.
  • Write out the days of the week, assigning each recipe to a day and meal. Keep in mind your upcoming schedule. If you have a busy week, meal prepping will be important. If you prefer nightly meal prep, pair simpler recipes for busy nights, and more complex meals for nights that you plan to have more time. If any recipes contain ingredients that may spoil quickly, choose to eat those meals earlier in the week before they go bad.

Come visit us at our next coffee talk to discuss meal planning in more detail! 


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