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The following are testimonials of  clients that achieved great success through meal planning, calorie management, regular physical activity and regular nutrition consultation with a Registered Dietitian (RD). The RD determined after talking with the clients what method would work the best for the client’s lifestyle and would be the best to achieve the desired goals and results.

There are several diet interventions, methods and counseling techniques that the RD and fitness team have to utilize when working with a client. Each client is provided a unique an individual plan, which is a result of the one-on-one consultation with the team members.

All results vary from client to client; all programs are individualized to clients individual goals, needs and lifestyle.

Georgette E.
The Before
I was a 62 year old female; 6’ 0” tall; weighed 212 pounds; lived in the Southeastern United States, was married with children and grandchildren; took medication for high cholesterol; and needed a right knee replacement. Other than the cholesterol and the knee replacement, I was in pretty good health. The only thing I struggled with, and had done so my entire life was being overweight. My whole life I have been on a weight roller coaster. Up, down, around the block. I have been thin, heavy, and heavier. Overall my life was very good.

The Beginning
Then a young woman helped me turn my weight loss efforts into success. A Registered Dietitian (RD);I had heard of this profession, but did not really understand the scope of what someone like her could do for me personally. She became a lifeline as I journeyed along this new road. She is extremely humble about it, but there is no doubt in my mind that I would not have achieved my weight loss goal had I not had her professional advice along the way. She is still advising me whenever I need it. And I find there are still many questions. This journey will never be over.

The Journey
My RD did an initial analysis based on various demographic, physical and lifestyle factors to calculate my initial goal calorie range, based on a goal of a 1 pound per week weight loss. I began Journal One. Each day I wrote down my total calorie intake. At first, it was a challenge to do this, but it became easier as the days passed. Another factor that contributed to making this journey easier for me: My husband was on the program with me. Doing this together made it much easier for both of us. The program was working really well for me. I had lost 15 pounds in two months! At three months I had lost 23 pounds, and the program was continuing to work and was getting easier!


Through the holidays, knee surgery, recovery and more Georgette continued to follow the program and reach her goals!
Through consistency, balance, moderation and mindful eating habits she reached her weight loss goal over 14 months.
She lost an average of 0.8 pound a week and a total of 52 pounds!
She has now been in maintenance for over 6 months, and feels no concern about returning to her old habits or lifestyle choices.

Health Summary

Start weight: 212 pounds
Final weight: 160 pounds
Total weight loss: 52 pounds

Total time: 14 months (to hit 50 pound loss) average of ~0.8 pounds a week loss

Start BMI: 27.3
Final (BMI) Body Mass Index: 22.8



Bob E.

The Backstory

“After watching my weight gradually go continually upward, I was finally able to get it under control and back down into more preferred territory.  My methodology wasn’t earth-shattering, or technology-based, or even new.  In the most simple terms, I counted calories.  But, there is a little bit more to it than that.  Please read on for my story.

As an active duty Naval officer, my weight was officially limited to 195 lbs.  It was always a challenge to maintain that weight, and that’s where I was when I retired from the Navy in 1994.  I moved straight into a civilian job in a similar profession.  With a mandatory weight limit no longer imposed, my weight gradually began to rise.  By the time I retired from this civilian career, my weight had reached 260 lbs (perhaps even a bit more than that).  Why?

Like most people, I had never really learned “how” to eat.  If it tasted good, I ate it.  How many calories did my favorite foods contain?  I had no clue.  And, what is a proper “portion?”  In a fast-food world of Super Sizing, and Fried Everything, to me normal was, in reality, quite big. “

Several contributing factors played a role in Bob’s health and weight status.

The Change

Bob cites two major changes that contributed to his success. The first being retirement, in which  Bob was able to regulate his schedule, sleep, lower stress, but most importantly, he was able to implement changes into his life and daily routine that supported his success.

“And this brings me to the second big change – the benefit of our Registered Dietitian (RD).

She didn’t preach to us, but she did give guidance and support.  She gave both my wife and I specific daily caloric targets to achieve gradual weight loss.  Of course, that put an upper limit on how much we took in on any given day.  But many people are surprised to learn there is also a lower, minimum amount that you still need to take in.  What that really means is – it is not a matter of starving one’s self!

Although we did significantly reduce our intake of breads and red meats, my wife and I continued to eat most of our favorite foods.  We just ate a finite amount of them at any one time.  And therein is another key – we ate whenever we were hungry.  Not a full meal, but a finite calorie snack to carry us to the next meal time.  And then the final key: we ate our meals at fairly regular times.  That was so greatly different from what it had been while I was working.

The Result

 “In the 14 month following my retirement, my weight dropped pretty steadily from 260 lbs to 194 lbs.  That is a loss of 66 lbs, or an average of  4.7 lbs per month, or about 1.1 lbs per week.

I now have a whole new wardrobe.  My pants stay up without having to constantly pull them up.  I can buy trousers and shirts off the rack, and they fit without adjustment!  I used to have a 19 inch neck and suffered with too-tight 18 ½ shirts and ties that were never long enough.  Now I buy 17 ½ shirts and they fit comfortably loose – and all of my ties are now long enough.  I put on a suit or sport coat and see daylight between my elbows and my sides!

The diabetic medicine regimen went away a few months after beginning my downward trend.

I have also discontinued or reduced three other blood pressure related medicines.

I feel great.  I look much better than I did.  My doctors are happy.  I am happy”

Health Summary

Starting Weight: 260 pounds

Final Weight: 194 pounds

Total weight loss: 66 pounds

Total time: 14 months, average of 1.1 pounds a week loss

Start BMI: 37

Final BMI: 28